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Children's Book

Family stories for the next generation

Research shows children thrive when they know their family's history. It's all about telling the stories you've heard many times in ways that resonate with young minds.

Just choose a parent, grandparent, or significant ancestor. We will work with content you provide to create a child-friendly book that will last for generations.

You provide
the basics

To start, we need the basics of one person's life, a few clues or ideas as to a theme/focus, and a few photos.

We'll write the story

We work with the details you give us to create a draft story outline.


Once we've incorporated your feedback, we'll prepare a layout for you to review and approve. 


Sample pages

You give the gift

It's up to you to share your book - with children, grandchildren, relatives, and friends.

Take the first step

Take the First Step

Thanks for sharing - we'll be in touch soon!

Subscribe today and you'll receive
1) five questions to focus your book
2) 20-page family interview package
3) my favourite four memoir writing exercises, and
4) tips for writing engaging family history

© 2023 NextGen Story: Custom Publishing


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