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Gift Ideas for Memorable Women

Updated: Jul 19, 2021

NextGen Story, like many things in my life, is inspired by my grandmother. And it so happens that many of my recent book projects have been about women: women who were teachers, mothers, trailblazers. They were survivors: learning to use a gas mask in WWII, or sending kids to a Protestant school in Catholic Quebec.

My guess is that you’ve got some of those women in your family, too.

And I hope you’re thinking about how, when, and with what approach you can best help her document her life story.

I am so inspired by the people I have had a chance to work with. If you’re looking for thoughtful, meaningful gift ideas for your mother or your grandmother, here’s a few ideas of what others have done:

  • Sam published his grandmother’s book as a memoir

    • Sam’s grandmother wrote the story of her early years in Microsoft Word: after many rounds of editing, careful selection of photographs, and a beautiful custom design - her book was ready just before Mother’s Day this year.

  • Jackie made a Just a Chapter about a family cabin

    • The book included quotes from family members and truly captured the peace and connectedness of a favourite holiday destination. Capturing memories of quality family time is one way to celebrate togetherness in a time when we’ve been so distant.

  • Melanie recorded a special conversation with Nana and 5 grandchildren

    • For her birthday, Melanie gave her mother the “Nana Project” - two questions from each grandchild for their Nana. I facilitated a Zoom call with Nana and 4 grandchildren to go through half the questions, and then followed up with a one-on-one interview with Nana. It was a great way to facilitate family story-sharing, and a chance to have Nana’s stories recorded for generations to come.

Do these spark a gift idea for a woman in your life? Let me know if I can help.

Sign up for email updates and receive “12 Questions to Spark Reminiscence” - a set of 12 questions designed to get the conversation going with your family.

Photo above: The first book I helped publish and a NextGen Story custom USB case.

Photo below: Box of box, USB, and front cover - 'Just a chapter' book about a family cabin

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